Wednesday, December 17, 2008

So many things.....

These days have been strange. These months have been strange. There is so much going on in the world it becomes a sponge that drains you of all energy. Everyday something more outrageous is in the news........ it is almost like the world has become one of those crazy TV shows that I can not seem to follow or understand ( and thankful that I do not!). So many things weigh heavy on the shoulders of soooo many. I want to take joy in these days..... carry the spirit of this holiday to all the other days beyond it. I want to take the penny I might have and share it. I want to WANT to do this. I want to believe that perhaps there is magical moments left in the world. I want to not worry that the Chaos around us will permeate into our little home. I want to believe that the future of my children will be bright. I want to believe that in a strangers hand we might find hope. I want to pull faith from my heart and follow it.

I want to breath and feel relief..... I want to sigh in content and believe in tomorrow.

Join me.


1 comment:

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

SO pretty!

count me in... i am a believer in the good... HIS good... HIS promises! oh boy... WITHOUT that... no thanks!

big hugs!