Talk to you soon, Courtney
Talk to you soon,
These are some new additions to my shop. I work much faster and more efficient if I have more than one project going. If I have hours to spend on one item...... I will use up the entire time. I love doing these little rooms. In a way , they feel like my little hide out I had as a kid. A secret space for only me to see the world as I wanted. I hope you enjoy.
Talk to you soon! Courtney
This is my 2nd addition to my series of chair portraits. I call her " Olivia" . I am working on two more and hope to have two additional " rooms with a view " canvas pieces very soon.
On another note , I was thinking today about the kind of person I want to be . You often hear new parents say " I want to be this kind of parent" or " If this happened I would react like this ". We are the type of person we are without thinking ....... when we react it comes from the center of our soul ..... at times there is no time to think about what we do or say..... we act. This heavy thinking is brought on by a " family crisis " I am whirling in with one of my siblings. My mother would usually have taken care of matters , but she passed away 2 years ago ........ . It is hard to be the person you " say " you are when you are in the middle of Chaos. You just are and at the end of the day , that is what you must be able to live with. It has occurred to me that the actions must change for the words to be true....... never lose hope .We must be willing to work hard on soul searching .......... and I am off on my journey.
Talk to you soon, Courtney
This is my first in the series of "Chairs". I call this "Victoria". I am not sure why, I looked at it and that was the name I thought of. I like using the pink and blue. It is a bit out of my comfort zone with color....... but I survived. I needed to expand a bit...... I needed to try something new.
It gets hard when we do the same things everyday , our routine is like an old friend. We depend on it, rely on it. I need my coffee in the morning as I watch the today show in peace before the boys wake up. I enjoy my chai tea in the afternoon while I fold laundry and play a game with my funny bunny still with me at home. Certain times of the day just follow a pattern without me even noticing. So strange..... I thought of myself as so flexible..... roll with the punches type person. I look at it now as very predictable ..... I need to know what lies ahead to feel comfortable. What a surprise. Our own perception of who we really truly are can be so foggy , imagine if we could all find clarity. Imagine what the world would look like....... imagine what the world could be.
Talk to you soon,
Today my littlest guy and I went on a treasure hunt on a wooded path near our house. It was a sunny beautiful day..... you could smell spring in the air. He had good intentions of finding flowers to place all over the house, however he settled on finding sticks and roots. We found this lovely mini tree and thought it would look lovely in our living room coming out of our collection of sea glass and snail shells. He will be off to kindergarten next year and I will not have these special moments ( or at least not as many), when finding sticks in the woods and spending time with your mom makes it " the best day ever!". So along with the above picture , I have sticks all over my house as decorations. To my funny bunnies ( both of them ) , who make finding sticks in the woods more valuable than gold! Enjoy your day and embrace these " perfect moments ".
Talk to you soon,