Thursday, November 6, 2008

This picture really does not capture this collage. It is long and thin and has a raised panel . My scanner cut part of the ends off ( sorry! I am hoping Santa reads my blog.... really because I will be checking under my tree for my new printer and scanner). I am going to post this later on etsy with better pics , I promise. I volunteered in the classroom this morning, ate lunch with my little guy .... had about an hour to check the computer , put dinner in the crock pot and I am off to pick up my son for his flu shot be back in time for dismissal and to have an after school playdate. Home by 4:45 and I will be ready for my coffee break!!!! I still have two loads of laundry to fold , homework , showers and by 9:00 I can have some creative time!!!
Talk to you soon! *** There is still time for my giveaway ( 2 posts below)


beckasharpe said...

This is beautiful. I love your collages, especially the colours and use of text!

julie king said...

your collage work is wonderful! visiting your blog for the first time today!!